
Showing posts from September, 2020

Latest book of Life Philosophia is now available on Amazon.

  Description Philosophy can be considered as the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Major subfields of academic philosophy include Metaphysics (The fundamental nature of existence and reality), Logic (The rules of Inference, which allows to deduce conclusions from true premises), Epistemology (The study of knowledge and belief), and ethics. Philosophy of science, political philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind are other prominent subfields in the context of philosophy. Generally, philosophy is related to wisdom, scholarly culture, and a search for knowledge (understanding.). Philosophy encourages people to acquire wisdom rather than mere knowledge. It mainly teaches critical thinking, and logical analysis. Many philosophical debates that began in ancient times are still debated today. This book is a collection of 12 articles in western and eastern philosophy. Several philosophical themes such as Metaphysics, epistemol

Transcendental Dialectics

The meaning of the term ‘transcendental’ The noun ‘transcendence’ means the existence beyond the physical level and the adjective ‘transcendental’ means that something that relates to a spiritual realm. However, it will be misunderstood if the term transcendental has used in the sense of transcendence, which describe an ultimate realm. Kant claims that “I call all cognition transcendental that is occupied not so much with objects, but rather with our mode of cognition of objects insofar as this is to be possible a priori” (Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 1998, p. 149). He says that he does not refer objects as transcendental but the knowledge of objects and the mode of knowledge with the nature of a priori are taken as transcendental. Thus, he prefers the term ‘transcendental’ to an epistemological ground. It is related to his objective of describing the nature, origin and the limitations of knowledge rather than emphasizing a metaphysical, transcendental and ultimate ground.  What does

Buddhist Perspective on Punishment

  Buddhism gives the priority to the man as it is considered as a man-centered philosophy. To illustrate, Buddhism expect the welfare of the society and its’ virtuousness can be established by making each and every individual a virtuous person. Even the punishment is used as a method for making a moral being. However, there arise several questions as, what is meant by punishment? Why one should be punished? For whom it should be punished? To the wrong deed or to the person who has done that wrong deed?  The importance of Buddhism in the context of punishment is it rejects punishment that , but at the same time it presents the ways that can be used in order to make the wrong deeds and to rehabilitate the person who has done that particular wrong deed. Thus, physical, mental or vocal deeds (kāika, mānasika and vācasika) could be result in committing wrong deeds. when a person has self-destructive feelings that person either tries to be alone or to commit suicide. For that, Buddhism tries

Public Speaking Tips

  If you are a passionate speaker, then here are some tips that will help you out to become a successful speaker. Firstly, find some kind of a appeasement of your ego, as you have to make sure your ‘self’ gets its fulfillment with this experience. Then you should have confidence within you in order to rise above the others or to compete with yourself. Finally, you should believe that you have the power to do so and you have the capacity to stand against your biggest fears. The following tips are for you to become a successful speaker. They will surely guide you to hear the clapping from the audience.  The speaker should evoke himself from the conviction towards public good. Do not be biased on any issue. Speak form a neutral standpoint.  Do not be groundless when you speak. Develop a strong practical common sense. Rely on your vocabulary, speaking power, verve, energy and commitment. Move deeper into the minds of his audience. Do not distinguish himself from the people. Identify the li

Emerging Background of Descartes and Spinoza

  The sources of knowledge in the medieval period were faith, belief, and authority by the church. The people were not able to question anything and they had to accept what the church says because the church is there to govern people on behalf of the god.  “They sought to explain the natural and the human by reference to such tents of faith as God, creation, the Incarnation, using philosophical and logical argument to do so” (Leff, 1958, p. 11).  However, renaissance made the ground to the modern philosophy. The term ‘modern’ itself indicates that it is a new approach to philosophy that occurred as a direct opposition to the previously existed philosophical eras.   Moreover, Descartes did the break for the medieval period which was his main contribution to the modern philosophy. For that, he is named as the ‘father of modern philosophy’. He was a revolutionary philosopher. Though he is considered as a rationalist, he used reason along with skepticism as the source of knowledge instead

Latest book is now available on Amazon

Philosophy encourages people to acquire wisdom rather than mere knowledge. It is an interconnected subject. Every subject has its foundation in philosophy. This book is a collection of 10 research papers in western and eastern philosophy. Several philosophical themes such as Metaphysics, Epistemology, Political Philosophy, Language Philosophy, etc have been discussed along with an in depth analysis. In philosophy, the knowledge gets expanded with new interpretations. This research paper collection is a new way of interpretation to the field. Both western and eastern philosophical themes have been discussed and sometimes comparatively analyzed. Each research paper is discussed in detail in order to get reader's attention to the selected philosophical themes. This book is an excellent guide for those who wish to understand philosophical knowledge. 1. A Philosophical Study on the Concept of ‘Political Man’ with Reference to Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’ 2. A Philosophical Study on the Ob