
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Dialectics

Was there dialectics before Kant? Dialectics can be defined as a way of debate that can be explained as people are intended to solve  different types of arguments about a particular subject that can be derive truth by reasoned arguments, logic and discussion. Dialectic has a historical evaluation as it was mainly used by western and Ieastern philosophies to derive truth. The Greek philosophies of Socrates, Plato, Zeno and Aristotle and medieval philosophers like Boethius, Abelard, William of Ockham, and St. Thomas Aquinas have used dialectics in their works. For instance, the Socratic methods of argument, Plato’s method of Forms, Aristotelian rhetoric are different forms of dialectic.  The meaning of the term ‘transcendental’ The noun ‘transcendence’ means the existence beyond the physical level and the adjective ‘transcendental’ means that something that relates to a spiritual realm. However, it will be misunderstood if the term transcendental has used in the sense of transcendence, w

The Picture of Life

“Worlds on worlds are rolling ever From creation to decay Like the bubbles on a river Sparkling, bursting borne away.” -Shelly- If you are seeking Truth, you have to accept the fact that even our pleasure is the beginning of unsatisfactoriness. At first glance, this may be unpleasant, but whether you like it or not, you will be blinded by, illusions if you will not give it up. Obviously, we experience disappointments, miseries, and frustrations in our lives. There is one thing that you should understand. That is, the only certainty in everything is the uncertainty. This will help you to console your mind.  The following is a comprehensive picture of human life given  y Milarepa, who was a Tibetan Buddhist yogi and a poet.  'Youth is like a summer flower- Suddenly it fades away. Old age is like a fire spreading Through the fields- suddenly, it’s at your heels. The Buddha once said, ‘Birth and death Are like sunrise and sunset Now come, now go.’ Sickness is like a little bird Wounded

Book Review 2:Reading Capital (Louis Althusser’s Analysis)

Das Capital , which was considered as a critique of political economy, is one of the major works of Karl Marx. It was published in 1867 in German language. The volume-1 has been composed in 1867 and it was about the production process of capital. This is a critical analysis of political economy and it was mainly revealed the contradictions that arise from the mode of production of capitalism. Engels introduced the second volume after the death of Marx as the circulation process of capital.   However, western Marxism has marked their dominance within the context of Marxism. Althusser was one of the most important western Marxists who were contributed to the renewal of Marxism. He has read Das Capital by using his western Marxists views. This assignment analyses his reading of Das Capital, which was named as Reading Capital.  An analysis on Althuser’s Reading Capital Althusser emerged in ‘the revival of Marxist theory occasioned by the radical movements of the 1960s’ (Craig, 1998, p. 192

Transformational Leadership: Insights from Rāmāyan

This article is a textual analysis done by referring Rāmāyan as the main text. It is true that there is a huge debate about the characters of Rāmāyan. Nevertheless, read this as only a textual analysis.  Rāmāyana is considered as one of the main narratives in Indian philosophy. it is based on the story of Rāma who was a prince of India and Rāwanā who was a king of Sri Lanka. Simply it is named as the epic of Rāma. The prince of Rāma had to engage in a war in Ceylon in order to rescue Sītā from Rāwanā. For that, he made himself a great leader to lead his followers in order to win the war in Ceylon. He had the characteristics of a transformational leader. Characteristics of a transformational leader with examples from Rāmāyana 1. Gain commitment through inspiration -Rāma is an inspirational leader -Although Vānara army was inadequate to fight a battle with Rāwanā, with the inspiration of Rāma as a leader they were able to win the war.  - (When a leader is inspirational, the employees wou

Applicability of Buddhist Teachings to maintain the ‘Inter-religious Harmony’

Buddhism emerged in India where there was a religious pluralism. India had experienced both a cultural and religious diversity during the pre-Buddhist era. It is possible to uncover both religious and philosophical setting of the time that the Buddha introduces Buddhism when referring the Pāli Canon. This study mainly concern about the Brahmajāla Sutta, Kassapasīhanāda Sutta, the Mahāsaccaka Sutta, the Upali Sutta, the Udumbarikasīhanāda Sutta, the Madhupiṇḍika Sutta and the Sigālovāda Sutta. This study covers the relevant teachings to the ethics of inter-religious harmony and the exemplary policy of the Buddhist emperor for establishing inter-religious harmony.  It has mentioned that there were sixty-two religions at the time of the Buddha. The ways that the Buddha used to maintain inter-religious harmony should be thoroughly studied to get its assist to solve the contemporary inter-religious issues. Contemporary societies are pluralistic, in the sense that there are many religions in

What is Aristotle’s Definition of ‘Politics’?

There are several key terms when it comes to political philosophy as politics, political science, political theory and political philosophy. They have used in different contexts and to define different aspects of politics. In the contemporary world, the study, which studies the theoretical aspect of politics, is called as ‘political science’ and its practical side represents by the term ‘politics’. As such, various terms have associated with the term ‘politics’. It is true that the term ‘political’ and its process play a key role in any given society. Therefore, in order to identify modern things which are related to political field one should have to have a clear understanding on the etymological meaning of the term ‘politics’ and its ancient usage. For that, this article focuses on the origin of the term ‘politics’.  Aristotle has written many books based on various subjects. Mainly he has expressed his views on logic, ethics, and political science. His political ideas are prominent

10 Life Rules to keep you motivated

We have to accept certain rules in our lives. You will be able to make a difference in your life only if you practice the following good habits daily. It is true that we all have certain rules when we live by. Some of them are inherent whereas others we need to develop and maintain until it becomes a life habit.  1. It is true that we all have to face troubles in our lives. However, the choice is in our hand to respond them in a positive or negative way.  2. obey the Golden rule. You should treat others, as you want to be treated.  3. Keep moving and keep dreaming- you should believe that your dream is worth chasing. You should have constant belief in your dreams. It is true that everyone has the capability to dream. Only a few can achieve their dreams whereas most of the people give-up their attempts in the middle of the process. You are never too old, poor, or sick to live your dreams. You should believe in your own dreams and work for that in your own way. Then you will eventually g

A Buddhist Approach to the Mind-Body Problem

The relationship between body and mind is questioned from the ancient times up to now. However, it still considered as a philosophical question as it does not carry a particular correct answer. We are able to understand this problem only through the approaches that other people have come up with. This article illustrates the Buddhist perspectives of the body mind problem.  Mind is the core area in Buddhist teachings as it directly deals with the mind in order to understand its teachings. The term ‘citta’ is referred to indicate mind. The term ‘citta’ has constructed from the root ‘cit’. Thus, ‘citteti’ is the past verb and ‘citta’ is the part participle verb that is used to indicate the mind. ‘Citta, mano and viññāna’ are used as synonyms to the term mind (yadiṃ na wuccati cittaṅ itipi mano itipi viññānaṅ itipi).  The following stanza describes the way that the mind works and the effects that arise as a result of the mind function.  “Mano pubbaṃgamā dhammā- mano setthā manomayā Manasā

Coronavirus : Fears of a Second Wave

The recently discovered coronavirus was not identified before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China. Corona virus (COVID-19) disease is an infectious disease. The epidemic has spread more than 195 countries including Europe and Asia. It has created a global pandemic situation. As of 14 June 2020, 7,949,308 Confirmed cases have been reported worldwide with 434,155 deaths.  The countries, which are still fighting against coronavirus, have begun to slow down the lockdown measures, which have been imposed for months. The assumption of a second wave should be taken into account as people have already interacting with the other people.   In China, where the COVID-19 outbreak has begun, have fears of a second wave due to a resurrection in new cases. As it has identified by the Chinese authorities, 57 new coronavirus infected confirmed cases have been reported within 24 hours. 36 patients have been reported from Beijing. The authorities have said that the Xinfadi market, which is the largest whol

Perception: A Philosophical Overview

Perception is a sub section that comes under theory of knowledge. It is commonly accepted that “Sense perception is the use of our senses to acquire information about the world around us and to become acquainted with objects, events, and their features” (Craig, 1998, p. 287). Normally, five senses are used to perceive. They are sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste. It is problematic when it comes to the usage of the word ‘perception’. We should decide the way in which we are going to use the term.  The debate among philosophers about perception is an aged one. They have come up with different interpretations. There arose several difficulties regarding perception. What if our senses mislead us to perceive illusions, then those illusions could lead use towards improper assumptions. It will gain improper knowledge.  Perception can be in two forms. They are the perception that is with the ordinary people and the extra sensory perception that has with the enlightened people. The ones who