Motivational Message of the Day: 1. Rejections are the Best Motivations

“A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success”
-Bo Bennett-

What is the most hurtful thing that ever happened to you? The answer would be ‘rejections.’ Obviously, rejections are the most painful things that happen to any person. You have probably been rejected by family, friends or at least you employment application was turned down. You cannot control the things that happen in the world. Things are in a flux, so everything changes. Nothing is in your control. First, we should have to accept that. Rejections may happen at any time of your life regardless of the age, gender, country etc. In addition, rejections are an unavoidable part of life. Therefore, you need motivation to deal with rejection. 

There are times in your lives that you are rejected. However, that does not mean that your goals are unachievable or you do not have enough capability to achieve your goals. You should have to believe in yourself even when others do not believe in your capabilities. You have to try multiple times in order to achieve your success. Even Rome itself, was not built in a day. Thomas Edison’s teacher told him that he was too stupid, so that he cannot learn anything. Walt Disney was fired from a news paper assuming that he lacked imaginary great ideas. But, those people took advantage of rejection. 

Why does rejection make you stronger? Everyone experiences rejection at some point in their lives. Many people do not realize the benefits of rejection. Some of them can be summarized as follows. 

-Rejection makes you stronger than ever before

-Rejection motivates you to perform better

-Rejection teaches patience

-Rejection encourages us to re-evaluate ourselves

-It gives us new way of looking at things

-It gives more opportunities for change

Rejection may disappoint you and depress you. However, everything happens when you take rejection so personally. When you constantly believe that there is something wrong with you, you are nourishing the low self-esteem. What you should know is that everyone gets rejected at a certain point of our lives. Be honest with yourself and that’s enough. Suppose you were rejected from something good, you were actually being re-directed to something better. You have o be strong because life is a long ride of rejections. Most of the time, rejection can be a gift even when it does not seem like it. Have you been rejected in your life? It hurts, I know. Nevertheless, things will move on. This too will pass. Stay positive. 


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