Be your own hero

You should feel proud about yourself and you should celebrate your small achievements. You do not need to be shy to elebrate your own achievements because at the end of the day, only you know what you have been going through. The struggles that you have overcome and the victorious moments of your life, deserves your appreciation. Being your own hero means showing yourself real love by developing your own values and staying true to any commitments you have made to yourself. Have you ever said ‘thank you’ to yourself? Not yet right? If so start being thankful to you first because if you do not treat well and if you do not see yourself as a hero, then how woul others believe that? Sometimes you might have wondered how far you have come in your life. Instead, believe that life is taking you to the place that you really deserve. You are a part of the action-plan of your destiny. Do what you say you are going to do and feel proud of yourself, confident in your character. How to become a hero 1. Initiate the change you want to see. A true hero is not just talk. 2. Put others before yourself. Think about other people's needs before considering your own. 3. Be ready to act when others are passive. 4. Perform random acts of kindness. 5. Volunteer your time. 6. Use your talent. 7. Promote the good. 8. Learn from your own heroes. The question is about whether you are going to be your own hero or you are going to leave that role for someone else.


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