Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle

hean Ethics is one of the most important books of Aristotle. This work consists of 10 books. The object of inquiry of the book signifies its value which is to inquire how men should best live. For Aristotle, ethics is more practical than a theoretical one. It studies how the individuals should best live. Ethics is not totally theoretical or intellectual which gives understanding about what it means to live a better life. One should use it as a way to become better. One could live better life if he is raised well by cultivating virtuous habits. Aristotle begins with the synopsis, which says that the highest good for humans is happiness or well-being. People would blame you if you take money that is not yours. In the same way, if one does something virtuous, then the world will praise them. According to Aristotle, only if a person acts voluntarily, then only that particular person deserves blame or praise because then only that person can take the responsibility for what he has done. For him, one must met the following conditions to be morally responsible for an action. The person must be in control of their actions A person should be aware of what they are doing/ be conscious It is immoral to force a person to perform a particular action. Suppose someone is forced to steal money and he is being held at gunpoint, none could blame him for doing that act, as his action was not in control of his conscious. People are not blamed for doing something, which you are not conscious of.


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