Zen Buddhism: The Art of Simple Living

Zen Buddhism: The Art of Simple Living Zen Buddhism is one of the branches of Mahayana Buddhism. Zen Buddhist schools of thought were originated in china and it is called as chān Buddhism. The term ‘chān’ means the Sanskrit term ‘dyāna’. In other words, Zen Buddhism emphasizes the value of meditation to attain nibbana. Bhikku Bodhidharma introduced Buddhism to china. Mahayana Buddhism in china has its practical and theoretical aspects in both Zen and Hua-Yen Buddhism, which means Zen Buddhism is considered the practical aspect of Chinese Hua-Yen Buddhism. The goal In Zen Buddhism is to achieve sudden awareness or the pure awareness (Satori). Satori means the immediate experience of meditation. There are two forms of Zen practices. They are, Rinzai – tries to break through everyday thinking via Koans. (Koans are the riddles in the form of questions) Sato Zen – a slower approach to enlightenment through meditation Zen Buddhism could give the real understanding of life directly as it would not misled by logical assumptions and language. ‘Zen’ is something that you can practice by yourself. One could unde4stand ‘Zen’ by using proper practice because it needs to be experience in order to understand it. It is not possible without engage in constant practice. The essence of Zen Buddhism lies within each and every human being. We ourselves should uncover the truth/ reality for ourselves. The enlightenment is within us. Each human being is considered as potential Buddha. Therefore, you should not look outside for the truth/ reality. Try to uncover it as it is already within you. It is very difficult for people to concentrate in contemporary lives. It is not needed to become a Zen monk to know about all the requirements for a Zen monk-like manner life. Do one thing at a time and that done well. Approaching a single task would be more effective that approaching towards multi-tasks. When you eat, focus on eating. When you have a bath, and then focus on bathing. If you think that things will be faster when you try to do many things at a time, then you are mistaken. Do not rush into things. Take your time because you need to complete one task before going to another one. Mindfulness (Meditation in practice) is the clear awareness of the present moment which one has to continuously practice. This will help you to find true happiness. Mindfulness can be simply practiced as being aware of the breath. People keep seeking happiness and strive for it during their lives. People seek happiness in money, fame, power, success, and achievements because people tend to think that these will impress others so that they will think you are happy with all the luxurious life. But that is not true. Do not look outside for happiness because happiness is within you. You are responsible for keep your happiness. Zen Buddhism helps you Develop concentration. Most of the time, people act unconsciously and perform many things at a time. Zen Buddhism helps you to be concentrate on whatever the thing that you are doing without being distracted by insignificant things. It would help you to be aware of the things that you are doing and then you will enjoy every moment of your life. References Hanh, T. N. (1999). The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation. Harmony. Okawa, R. (2016). The Essence of Buddhia: The Path to Enlightenment. Irh Press. Suzuki, D. T. (1994). An Introduction to Zen Buddhism. Grove Press. Williams, M. (2016). Buddhism: Beginner's Guide to Understanding and Practicing Buddhism to Become Stress and anxiety Free. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.


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