
Showing posts from November, 2020

Islamic Ethics for Everyday Life

   Anything which is directed to the welfare of the individual is considered as morally good whereas everything injuries is considered as morally bad. The study of ethics has become the foundation of Islam. The practices of Muhammad and the interpretations of Qur’an have codified the foundation source of Islamic ethics. Muslims believe that Muhammad was sent by the God in order to remind the moral responsibility that people have. There is a motive force in the ethical principles of Islamic ethics command the good and forbid the evil which is common to many religious ethical principles. There is set of commandments on ethical behaviour of the people in Islamic ethics. Some of them are listed in the below. . Worship God BE kind, honorable and humble top parents Be neither misery nor wasteful in one’s expenses  Do not engage in mercy killings Be honest  Keep promises Muslims are asked not to attach the ephemeral pleasure in the world and to control their passions and desires.  

Christian Ethics for Everyday Life

  Christian theology can be defined as the theology of the believes, and practices of Christian People. Christian ethics is one of the main branches that come under Christian Theology. The behaviour of the people is defined through a Christian perspective in order to define virtuous and wrong behaviour. Systematic theology (moral theology) is the discipline that defines Christian theology in an orderly rational manner. The virtues are the traits or qualities which organize people to conduct them in a morally high-quality manner. The virtues in Christian theology are divided into two main categories. Cardinal virtues Theological virtues  Cardinal virtues are the basic virtues required to have a virtuous life. Ambrose who was a theologian used these cardinal virtues in the Commentary on Luke. Cardinal virtues questions about the way in which the rich should act towards the poor, women are to be treated and the morality of war. There are four cardinal virtues.  Prudence/ wisdom Fortitude/

Life Lessons from Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

   People who were trapped in the world are the cave people who represent the ordinary human beings of the world. Shadows represent worldly things, such as money, love, fame, education, ethical and cultural norms. People tend to believe these things merely, only because of the consensus of the majority of the society. Unless and until you get out of the cave, you will never know what the outside of the cave holds. You will never explore things that the outside world consists of other than the mere shadows in the cave.  There are people in this world, who always think out of the box. These types of people do something different from others by creating their own strengths. It is only these types of people could change the world. For instance, have a look at the lives of Martin Luther King, Mark Zuckerberg, Isaac Newton, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates etc. they have escaped from the cave and uncovered the sunshine in order to find the true reality.  Most of the people in the contemporary soci

How can Sisyphus be happy with his fate: an Analysis of Albert Camus’ the Myth of the Sisyphus

Camus believed that the Myth of Sisyphus as a good metaphor for our daily life. The lives of workers of the contemporary society are similar as that of Sisyphus. Their fate is no less absurd than of Sisyphus’. People repeat the process of working from Monday to Sunday continuously. They start Monday by knowing that the busy lives would last another seven days. The cyclical progression emphasize that the fundamental absurdity of human life is similar to that of Sisyphus.  Absurdity teaches us that the struggle for life is a never ending quest. Human life in the modern societies is similar as that of Sisyphus. It is true that we all are in a process of rolling the stone over the week by knowing that it will fall back and we will have to repeat the process again. You have to trust the process towards your goal in order to reach your goal. For that, you can divide your path towards success into achievable steps. When you want to succeed in your life or when you need to achieve a particular

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

  Plato sees the phenomenal world as a copy of the reality. The original one is in the world of forms. This interpretation would add a different meaning to life. They always watched these shadows as real. For them, the shadows represent the reality. They have not exposed to the outside of the cave. Nevertheless, one person was able to escape from the cave and to see the sun (the real Forms). Plato presents the allegory of the cave in The Republic. It was written as a dialogue between Glaucon and Socrates. It has described that a group of people have lived in a cave chained to one of the wall in the cave. The wall was totally blank. There was a fire behind them and those people only saw the shadows projected from the objects passing by on the blank wall. They knew only about the shadows and identified the shadows seem to appear. The reality for those prisoners were the shadows they seen in the blank wall. Nevertheless, they were not real. According to Plato, there are three higher level

Live a balanced life

Living a balanced life means determining what is most important to you and expending your time and energy accordingly. According to the dictionary, balance is defined as: : a means of judging or deciding : a counterbalancing weight, force, or influence : mental and emotional steadiness.  Once we determine what it is that we want MORE of in our life, then we also have to commit to giving LESS to other areas. Balance will not look the same for everyone. Finding YOUR unique life balance will simplify your life in a way that brings freedom and peace of mind.

Life doesn't have to be perfect!

  Imagine a perfect life which goes right all the time, you achieve your dreams and goals and your life is just going well. That would be the perfect life one could ever dream. Such a great feeling! But what if it goes other way around? Sometimes life is not that perfect. Not even close. One small thing could change your whole life upside down. For instance,a major health problem, not having a job or money would make you feel that you have such an imperfect life. But you have to find the little energy within you to go through with such situations in life. Remember that the imperfections that you have make you a unique person. Therefore, Don't strive for perfection...aim for wonderful instead. Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful!

Over thinking kills your happiness

Overthinking is not about past events but about the future too. You'll worry about the things happened in the past, things happen in the present and the things that'll happen in the future. I could definitely destroy your peace of mind and happiness. Overthinking is also often associated with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress and  personality disorders. take note of what triggers your overthinking. It might stem from a past trauma, or something in your life that's currently a source of stress. Once you identify those triggers,  you can start finding ways to overcome them. Any time you find yourself doubting or feeling stressed or anxious, step back and look at the situation and how you're responding.Don't think of what can go wrong, but what can go right.No one can predict the future; all we have is now. Spending time on the future is simply not productive. Spend that time instead on things that give you joy. References https://www

Don't fear failure

"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy." Dale Carnegie Don't fear failure because failure teaches you how to not take things for granted. When we have everything in life – resources like money, houses, education, it's easy to take things for granted and let the little things get to us. When we fail in life, we realize that we have something that we don't have yet. After all, Confucius, a renowned Chinese philosopher has rightly said,  “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.” So doing the same thing over and over again will surely lead you through a safe journey, but it won’t lead to any breakthroughs. So don’t worry, Don t be afraid of failure it is only natural to have an occasional hiccup, It all works for the best in the end! Mistakes are not a problem, but not taking the opportunity to learn from them is. W

Live in the present moment

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” -Buddha Living in the present moment means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future. It means enjoying what’s happening now and living for today. Removing items associated with past memories frees you and allows you to stop living in the past. Keep your attitude optimistic and expectant. Dream big. Set goals and plans for the future. But working hard today is always the first step towards realizing your dreams tomorrow. Your goals cannot be accomplished until and unless you work for it. Make strategies to go through with all the things that life gives you. If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today.It will destroy your time today. Past is not a good place to stay. Focus on Solutions Instead of Problems. Identify Obstacles to Living in the Moment Practice Mi