How can Sisyphus be happy with his fate: an Analysis of Albert Camus’ the Myth of the Sisyphus

Camus believed that the Myth of Sisyphus as a good metaphor for our daily life. The lives of workers of the contemporary society are similar as that of Sisyphus. Their fate is no less absurd than of Sisyphus’. People repeat the process of working from Monday to Sunday continuously. They start Monday by knowing that the busy lives would last another seven days. The cyclical progression emphasize that the fundamental absurdity of human life is similar to that of Sisyphus. 

Absurdity teaches us that the struggle for life is a never ending quest. Human life in the modern societies is similar as that of Sisyphus. It is true that we all are in a process of rolling the stone over the week by knowing that it will fall back and we will have to repeat the process again. You have to trust the process towards your goal in order to reach your goal. For that, you can divide your path towards success into achievable steps. When you want to succeed in your life or when you need to achieve a particular goal, then you have to be pushing the rock today itself. You cannot adjourn today for laziness.  When you achieve your goal step by step, you will eventually reach your final goal. You must take the steps on your own because no one is going to help you. There will be no one to help you, but your trust towards the process would help you achieve that. 

Sisyphus teaches us never try to escape from the failure, rather accept the failures in the same way that we accept our achievements. We, as the modern version of Sisyphus, have many motivational ideas that can take from the character of Sisyphus. 

Focus on the purpose of your life 

Sisyphus was unstoppable as he pushed the rock unabated every time it rolled down. 

Never go back until you accomplish your potential 

Believe in the process, that is where the success is hidden. 

Continue rolling the rock with hope

Have you ever felt that you are not getting anywhere no matter what you do or your every effort is futile? Have you ever felt you end up being where you started regardless of how you worked? Then think about the life of Sisyphus. He was also condemned for a meaningless task. But he continued pushing the rock.  When he pulled the rock to the mountain and the rock rolled down again, Sisyphus continued rolling it again. As such, there can be times in your life that you feel that your efforts are futile. But keep doing it while having hope for the best. 

The only difference between Sisyphus and contemporary human beings is that Sisyphus was punished for his cruel deeds, but human beings were not. But still, there are many inspirational characteristics that can be taken to live our lives. Your goals will be fulfilled when it is achieved through your sweat. Do not lose hope and keep going. 


Barnes, H. E. (1959). The Literature of Possibility. United States of America: University of Nebraska Press .

Bree, G. (1964). Albert Camus. (J. Barzun, W. T. Jackson, J. A. Mazzeo, & J. O'Brien, Eds.) London: Columbia University Press.

Flynn, T. (2006). Existentialism (A very Short Introduction). New York: Oxford University Press.

Macquarrie, J. (1972). Existentialism . Middlesex, England: Penguin Books.


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