Islamic Ethics for Everyday Life


Anything which is directed to the welfare of the individual is considered as morally good whereas everything injuries is considered as morally bad. The study of ethics has become the foundation of Islam. The practices of Muhammad and the interpretations of Qur’an have codified the foundation source of Islamic ethics. Muslims believe that Muhammad was sent by the God in order to remind the moral responsibility that people have. There is a motive force in the ethical principles of Islamic ethics command the good and forbid the evil which is common to many religious ethical principles. There is set of commandments on ethical behaviour of the people in Islamic ethics. Some of them are listed in the below. .

Worship God

BE kind, honorable and humble top parents

Be neither misery nor wasteful in one’s expenses 

Do not engage in mercy killings

Be honest 

Keep promises

Muslims are asked not to attach the ephemeral pleasure in the world and to control their passions and desires.  


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