Chase your dreams

“Every Great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world”
-Harriet Tubman-

Dream chasing is not something that everyone can do. Thinking part would be possible, but when the dream is put into action, that would be difficult. Nevertheless, you should believe that your dream is worth chasing. In addition, you should have constant belief in your dreams. It is true that everyone has the capability to dream. Only a few can achieve their dreams whereas most of the people give-up their attempts in the middle of the process. You are never too old, poor, or sick to live your dreams. Dreams are just ‘dreams’ and the term ‘dreams’ is just a mere word until you add passion to your dreams.  You might not achieve your dreams in the same way that others use to achieve their dreams. However, what is needed is to believe in your own dreams and work for that in your own way. Then you will eventually go there. 

We are not guaranteed a tomorrow. Therefore, you should not wait for the perfect moment to start doing something. It will be an excuse, which stops you from achieving your dreams. If you want to chase your dreams, then do not wait for the perfect time. The life is for dreaming and chasing those dreams. Dreams do not have to be big. 

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt-

“If you can dream it, you can do it”
-Walt Disney-

"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."
-Paulo Coelho-

When you have decided to chase a dream the path to your dream is made to meet with obstacles. However, you should accept them as motivational factors. You should learn from them and continue on your way to your dream. Do not let the obstacles to let you down from achieving your success.

Chasing your dreams will develop your courage, which is the fuel to achieve the success of your life. Your success would be unstoppable. Suppose that one climbs a hill by putting all his effort. When that particular person reached the top of the mountain, he would see that there are many hills to climb. This is similar with dreaming and chasing those dreams. You may have many dreams. Achieve them one by one. When you chased a dream, that accomplishment would lead you to achieve another dream. As I have already mentioned, life is for constant dreaming and chasing those dreams. Thinking about chasing dreams and chasing dreams in reality are two different things. An action part is required when chasing dreams. Otherwise it would be difficult to achive your dreams. 


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