The Power of Gentle Speech

"Much talking is a source of danger,
Through silence misfortune is avoided,
The talkative parrot in a cage is shut, 
While birds that cannot talk fly freely."
-Tibetan yogi-

In the contemporary world, communication plays a decisive role when making human relationships. Everyone has the innate need to communicate with the people who are in contact with us. The nature of one’s mind can be indicated through the level of speech. If our thoughts are rapid and confused, then the tone of our voice will reflect it by loud speech. 

If our mind is well-controlled and quiet, then our speech becomes gentle. Facial movements, arm, leg and body movements go along with the level of our speech. We have to use the right quantity of the words when expressing our ideas. Most of the words that we use when answering a question are meaningless in the sense that a when a particular question can be answered in two sentences, 100 sentences will be used to elaborate the answer. 

Words matter, and the manner in which we use them matters too. The damaging words you speak are more destructive. Most of the people must have experienced the commotion caused by wrong speech (unjust speech, caustic remarks, lies, gossips and unsubstantiated rumors). There are certain points in our lives where we wish we had not said something after it had been said. But it is too late to recover the damage which had been created by those words. It is possible for us to apologize and retract them, but it is impossible to recuperate the damage which had already done. A wise man knows the way in which to avoid problems by being careful of the things he is going to say. However, there are several types of wrong speech. 

Lying – people say ‘I know’ when they do not know and they say ‘I don’t know’ when they know.

Harsh Speech – the words which are rude and impertinent 

Unkind remarks (Backbiting) – spread falsehood around to cause commotion

Idle babble – Irrelevant, non-existing, unrestrained and thoughtless speech

We should think twice before we open our mouths because words when spoken can never be reserved. Then only we can avoid the places and situations where the disputes and arguments happen. It is very important to analyze our thoughts before communicating them. Therefore, garnish your words with elegance. Innocent people get into trouble while the people who use their tactful and cunning way of speech for cheating. You should be careful when choosing the words you communicate with. Firstly, you should know what to say, why, when, where and how to say. Act wisely in tense situations. Try to diffuse the volatile situations by acting wisely because heated arguments never bring good consequences. The truth will be covered from that type of arguments. 

"The thought manifests as the word,
The word manifests as the deed,
The deed develops into habit,
And the habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and its way with care,
And let it spring form love
Born out of concern for all beings."

It is required to develop the habit of being constantly mindful of the things we say. Cultivate skillful speech because we can avoid troubles by neither talking nor keeping silent. Use your common sense when entering into heated arguments. Speaking or talking is one form of art. Always speak nothing but truth. But if the truth that you are going to communicate is unpleasant, then you should be wise to identify the right time and the right place to speak on any subject. 

Dhammananda, K. S. (1989). How to Live Without Fear and Worry. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Buddhist Missionary Society.
Newman, b. (1992). The Power of a Successful Life. BNC Publications.


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