The Power of Patience

The ability to be tolerant/ patient is the mark of wisdom. Patience is a virtue that we all can practice more. In our daily life, there is much that we have to endure. It is an invaluable skill.  Especially, we have to bear various types of mental and physical pains. Not only those pains but also we have to face depressions, frustrations, and worries. As many psychological disorders are brought about by wrong habits of thought, superfluous anxieties and unhealthy mental attitudes, it is very important to practice patience under those conditions. 

Insults are a common set that humans have to face and endure. The more you succeed in your life, career or education, the more you would be subjected in humiliation, insults and critics. You should forget every evil and insult. You should only remember every kindness. 

In this age, people expect everything right when we want it. Most of the time, things do not always happen as the way that you want it to be happen. You might confuse in between what you need to happen and what actually happens. Suddenly, the thing you have been waiting for, happens. You might wonder what you were worrying about. You should wait for the right time to make something happen. For that, you should have patience. 

Patience is not about passivity, but power. It is the practice of waiting. One moment of impatience may ruin your whole life. Impatience strains anxiety, fear, failure and discourage. It will be difficult to practice patience. Nevertheless, once you started practicing patience, the life will be easier. Practicing patience would transform you into someone who inspires positively, possesses self-control, makes wise decisions, builds trust has a positive reputation. 

“Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything”
-George Bernard Shaw-

The world has already witnessed enough hatred. Therefore, we should let the future to base on loving-kindness, compassion, along with wisdom. However, destructive emotions, such as anger or hatred, cannot be eradicated by suppression, but by gradually removing its roots. There are times in our lives that we are supposed to face to the tests that life gives. The way you respond will define who you are. You should remember one thing. That is, achieving goals does not happen overnight. It takes time. Practicing patience would help you to go through with all the difficult situations. 


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