How to Stay Motivated Through the Ups and Downs in life


1. Growth isn’t always linear

"Often the adage two steps forward and one step back is a fairly accurate description of the change process. No one is constantly moving forward." It's ok to keep your path moving slowly. Speed doesn't matter, but the final result of achieving your goals matters. Keep your path moving slowly when it is needed.

2. Set realistic expectations.

 Unrealistic expectations are a quick path to frustration and hopelessness. Your expectations need to be realistic so that you'll get motivated more than ever before. Try it.

3. Ask for help. 

"Having supportive, positive people to cheer you on is key to staying motivated and being able to push through obstacles." If you have such a supportive person, then you're lucky, go ahead! But if you don't have such a person, then you can be your own hero and you'll be able to guide yourself through all the ups and downs.

4. Be honest and accountable. 

"Real change requires us to be honest (with ourselves and others) and to take responsibility for our actions." You have to take the responsibility of what you've done. But you don't need to take the responsibility of what you've not done. If someone blames you for something which has not done by you, then it's the time to move on with your life.

5. Celebrate what you’re doing right. 

"Be sure to acknowledge each and every one of the small steps and accomplishments you make." You have to acknowledge yourself first: your talents, capabilities, skills and for who you are.



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